275 Hess Boulevard
Lancaster, PA 17601 -
717.560.8300 -
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Financial Services

Faithward Advisors is different. Our passion centers on stewardship, so our goal isn’t to grasp, gain, and accumulate resources, but rather to be a conduit for Kingdom work throughout the world.
Can you imagine it? A financial partner that can help you achieve financial independence, as well as position your assets to expand the Lord’s work. Bless your family, magnify the church, and transform the world by distributing the assets you’ve been entrusted to steward even before you are called home to glory.
Our excitement for sharing this critical message spills over into all we do professionally. We partner with nonprofit organizations serving the Lord in countless ways—here, there, and everywhere.
We would consider it a joy and a blessing to be given the opportunity to help you bless the charities close to your heart through tax-wise, strategic charitable giving and estate planning.
Following God
Our highest value is knowing our Creator through His Son, Jesus Christ; we strive to love Him with all our heart and follow His command to love our neighbors as ourselves.
Teaching Stewardship
We aim to responsibly approach our fiscal and regulatory duties, accept and respect the process and authorities, and conscientiously handle the resources entrusted to us by God and our clients.
Demonstrating Expertise
We strive for excellence in serving our clients and fellow team members. To this end our team participates in industry-specific educational programs and maintains the appropriate credentials so that we are prepared to give the best possible advice.
Exemplifying Integrity
We endeavor to act and communicate with credibility, truth, and trust in all business interactions; we demonstrate a repentant attitude if we fail and a forgiving attitude if others do.
Fostering Teamwork
We do our best to collaborate with peers, co-workers, and leadership to perform our duties with excellence, subordinating any personal agenda to the mission of Faithward Advisors; members of our team forthrightly treat others as they themselves would like to be treated.
Enriching Relationships
We do our utmost to establish and maintain great relationships by providing expertise and good service to our clients and those they cherish.
Not only do you want to find an experienced, knowledgeable financial advisor, it is crucial that you find one who shares your faith. See how our advisors help you become a better steward of your resources and create a lasting legacy.
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